Wednesday, May 6, 2009


See, this is what Donkavatar is all about. Mookie Frog Day, people. Moookie Frog Day.

That's right, just download the avatars of Astin, Maloney, and co-Donkavatar founder Bayne. Then set your avatar to the froggy before the Mookie.

Then . . . FROG ON!

See Jamyhawk for more.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Announcement / FAQ

Frequently Asked Question:






Current slots taken:

Confused Afro Dude: 0/3 (pvanharibo)
Angry Afro Dude: 0/2 (Mary)
Confused Asian Bowl Cut: 2/3 (mondogarage)
Confused Explorer Lady: 3/3 (Poker Enthusiast)
Confused Classy Black Lady: 4/3 (APOSEC72)
Angry Clown: 6/2 (riggstad)
Confused Clown: 6/3 (PokerFool)
Confused Cowboy: 7/3 (corron10)
Confused Fish: 10/3 (Heffmike)
Confused Preppie: 11/3 (Snuffy)
Happy Little Pup Dog: 15/1 (BLAARGH!)
Confused Little Pup Dog: 15/3 (cemfredmd)
Confused Rock: 16/3 (ElSnarfoGrande)
Confused Hockey Player: 19/3 (Pokah Dave)
Angry Hipster Dude: 22/2 (Buddy Dank)
Confused Black Mustache Dude: 23/3 ($mokkee)
Confused Blondie: 24/3 (SmBoatDrinks)
Confused Monkey: 25/3 (Kajagugu)
Confused Sammy Sosa: 27/3 (iiatg6296)
Happy Devil Girl: 28/1 (Joanada)
Confused Eskimo Girl: 29/3 (NumbBono)
Happy Frog: 30/1 (Mike Maloney)
Angry Frog: 30/2 (Astin)
Confused Frog: 30/3 (bayne_s)
Confused Persian: 31/3 (katitude)
Confused Donkey: 33/3 (wwonka69)
Angry Elephant: 34/2 (Breeze81)
Angry Gekko: 37/2 (NY Rambler)
Angry Boxer: 41/2 (jamyhawk)
Angry Hot Chick: 42/2 (PinkyStinky)
Confused Chicken: 44/3 (Julius_Goat)
Confused Rugby Goon: 43/3 (Poker Peaker)
Confused Dracula: 46/3 (Baywolfe)
Confused Frankenstein: 47/3 (Patch)
Confused Zombie Girl: 50/3 (DaBag)
Angry Policeman: 54/2 (Instant Tragedy)
Confused Policeman: 54/3 (Schaubs)
Confused Turtle: 55/3 (Pebbles)
Confused ATM: 56/3 (23Skidoo)
Angry Pirate: 57/2 (twoblackaces)
Confused Pirate: 57/3 (Pirate Lawyer)
Confused Military Lady: 60/3 (katiemother)
Confused Fireman: 61/3 (PokerBrian)
Confused Handsome Grandma: 63/3 (dtaylo04)
Confused Bond: 65/3 (BamBam)
Confused Wizard: 69/3 (dueyv9)
Confused Ninja: 71/3 (ScottMC)


1) I'm working through these in the order they occur in the comments. Comment to this post if you want to queue up.

2) If you haven't requested a slot, I'm just assigning one randomly. If you don't like your slot, speak quickly before people start uploading your image to that spot.

3) Anybody having a complaint about their image will be shot.

4) Anybody who is shot will receive prompt medical care*.

5) There is no number 5.

6) I'm working on an FAQ. Look for it this week.

7) Seriously, if there's a problem with your image just let me know and we'll take care of business.

8) I'm a total hack at image work. Anybody who is good at this and wants to contribute is welcome to be added on as an author. Hit me in the chat.


* Canadian bloggers only.


During donkament last Friday Julius Goat and I had a chat about table image and creating our own Avatars rather than saving up 1 Million points to create. Saturday discussion continued and we also determined that FullTilt software updates may not overwrite existing avatars so an idea of a repository of custom avatars was born. In general we have also noticed that the "confused" emotion is not used continuously by many players.

Anyone else interested in using a custom avatar amongst the community should add comment to FAQ post requesting slot then Julius or I will add as blog contributers so you can announce your own avatar. Those without artwork skills may still request an avatar be created and will wait until Julius or I have the time (and I have developed the skills) to create.

Make request in comments, for those including own artwork provide pointer to picture on blog.

Sorry Mattazuma, krazybangs requested 1st (angry and happy fish rarely seen?)

Buddy Dank REVISED

Name: Buddy Dank


Classification: Radio Free Donkey. BBmT CHAMP.

Instructions: Right click and choose "Save Picture As"

Save to: C:\Program Files\Full Tilt Poker\Graphics\Table\Avatars\Public\22

Image Title: 2.png

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Pokah Dave

Name: Pokah Dave


Classification: Rodney Dangerfield hatin' golf donkey.

Instructions: Right click and choose "Save Picture As"

Save to: C:\Program Files\Full Tilt Poker\Graphics\Table\Avatars\Public\19

Image Title: 3.png


Name: iiatg6296


Classification: Jar chock full o' donkey.

Instructions: Right click and choose "Save Picture As"

Save to: C:\Program Files\Full Tilt Poker\Graphics\Table\Avatars\Public\27

Image Title: 3.png


Name: ElSnarfoGrande


Classification: He's a Lion-O nursemaid dooonkey, mmmSnarf, Snarf.

Instructions: Right click and choose "Save Picture As"

Save to: C:\Program Files\Full Tilt Poker\Graphics\Table\Avatars\Public\16

Image Title: 3.png


Name: corron10


Classification: Strung-out poker genius donkey.

Instructions: Right click and choose "Save Picture As"

Save to: C:\Program Files\Full Tilt Poker\Graphics\Table\Avatars\Public\7

Image Title: 3.png